Smart shelves and smart cabinets for healthcare
Automatic inventory & tracking

RFID Helios Smart Shelves and Helios Secure Cabinet.

ARC Healthcare uses AdvanReader-160, AdvanMux-8, AdvanMux-16, and Advantenna-P11 in the RFID Helios Smart Shelves and the Helios Secure Cabinet.
These smart shelves and smart cabinets have been installed into medical facilities ranging from small rural hospitals up to large healthcare entities.
Now, the products required by caregivers to provide advanced care are always readily available.
Thanks to these RFID systems, the hospitals benefit from:
- Revenue recovery
- Cost & inventory reductions
- Automated inventory tracking and control
- Loss prevention
- Improved inventory availability
- Increased productivity and efficiency
Revenue recovery
Cost and inventory reductions
Automated inventory tracking and control
Improved inventory availability
Increased productivity and efficiency
Loss prevention